As I settled into my seat on an air france flight exactly one week ago, I marveled at how I had already entered a more orderly world. Assigned seating. Nice rule-enforcing stewaerdesses. Background music. It was a lovely feeling.
Arriving in NY my linen jacket was no match for the December chill, but I only had to run from the cab to my friend Courtney's apartment, where I raided her closet. It's been a while since I wore winter clothes and it felt nice to bundle up. That weekend Court, her boyfriend and I ate good thai food, attended a fun cocktail party in Brooklyn, and played botchi ball at what has to be the world's only bar with a botchi ball court inside. Court? Pitch? Not sure of the name of the place-where-one-plays-botchi, but I was amazingly lucky and kept winning.
After the weekend I went home to Georgia and cluttered my room at my folk's house with my two suitcases and a box I shipped from Niger that I still haven't opened and have forgotten what's inside. Clothing and a moroccan rug I think (I got stranded in Casablanca on my way to Niger last year. It took me EIGHT DAYS to get from NY to Niamey. I think it's some kind of record). My mom, dad, grandpa and I went to our fave restaurant Pastis, where my grandfather regularly updates people about my life and pulls up my blog.
Now I am in DC. Last night I went to a holiday party with people in the development and humanitarian assistance industry and marveled that they are our (people in the field) counterpart. The yin to our yang. People thinking about the same issues that me and my colleagues think about but don't have the time to deal with them in depth because we are caught up in our day to day management activities. Neato. That said I definitely enjoyed talking about DC dating as much as saving the world (time and place for everything, right?). I even ran into someone that I had taken a flight with in Maniema.
I have a big question mark for what I am going to do when the project I work on closes at the end of April. More field? DC? Become an astronaut? Marry for money? Yes, the possibilities are endless, but it's good to get a feel for the DC thing.